Image of 104-106 Hamilton Lodge School

104-106 Hamilton Lodge School


Aubrey Beardsley at Hamilton Lodge.

Although the shopkeeper at Hamilton Lodge interiors (No. 104) had “Hamilton Lodge” painted on his building, The School Hamilton Lodge was in fact the next two doors down; here at 106 and 108 High Street. These were Hamilton Lodge. In the 1800s this was a boarding school; one pupil for a short period was the notorious artist and illustrator Aubrey Beardsley.

Looking out of his window to the downs is said to be his inspiration to draw. One of Aubrey Beardsley’s less risqué works is here! Like his friend Oscar Wilde, much maligned, he was a contemporary feminist before the concept was thought of. Perhaps that’s his sister Mabel. A year older, and taller. Inspired at Hamilton Lodge. .. and the drawing here certainly could be Holy Trinity Church and Wolstonbury Hill (?)